Listen to BriceChou

When you always be a beginner, great lives never go out.


AI, FE, Tensorflow


FE, Python, C/C++/C#


COC, PUBG, HearthStone

Hero is back

I will write some technology articles and step by step code my own blog website.

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Deep Neural Network with double layer

Deep Learning - Deep Neural Network with double layer: 我的个人云笔记分享

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JavaScript 知识点梳理 (一)

梳理 JavaScript 基础知识:变量定义及声明,变量的解析等,数据类型的种类,数值和数值操作,以及字符串操作相关的知识点。

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How to config your Mac Terminal and Git status with colorful

How to config your Mac Terminal and Git status with colorful

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Study Airbnb JavaScript style

Study Airbnb JavaScript style

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